Saturday, September 20, 2008


I suggested to go out to mark the occasion.
I ended up in my room with broken tears.
I really dont need all these mixed emotions at times like this.

I guess I was the fool all along.

Friday, September 19, 2008


I've moved on, so please don't hold me back.

I had enough of this nonsense. ;(

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Malaysia Day.

   I'm utterly shock that some people manage to remember my birthday despite I don't remotely recall telling them anything. Unexpected people that I haven't spoken for ages wished me regardless the on going exam fever, which put smiles towards my face.

   However, some people who I see on regular basis didnt. *cough* Rolls eye.

   Well, for all who have wish me. I truly grateful and blessed that you still manage to find time out of your hectic exam schedule to drop me your blessings. All the small gestures made my day. For that, I'm truly thankful. ;)

I'm off to Carat Club for my birthday treat with moral definisi in my hands. Toodles.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Have you ever been in a room with numerous people yet still feel so alone?
I have.

I just want someone to talk to yet there's no one.

   My dad has works gruelingly, and when he's home
   so he just wants time to rest.
   My mom would get too involved which only make matters worse.
   My sister is always in her room either on Youtube
   or finishing up her endless pile of homework.
   My friends have their own intricate issues to deal with
   that I can't bear to burden them with my own.

Sometimes when I get up the courage to tell someone,
all they do is just nod. 

I build this towering barriers around my heart so it wouldnt break so easily,
I guess I ended up locking myself in alone facing the four corners of concrete walls. ;(

Friday, September 12, 2008


I simply refuse to grow up after knowing what
the real world out there is really like. ;(