Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The other side of every fear is freedom.

The recent A(H1N1) outbreak has reached an international pandemic. Yeah, I know it's severe and all, but I don't get the point of inhibiting yourself from still carrying out your daily activities. I mean, come on! It's air. It's not like the virus can be contained in an area right? What you gonna do, not breathe?

Gosh, every now and then.

"Don't go out late at night kay? I've read the newspaper that they're rempits loitering the streets disturbing female drivers".

"Did you know there was a rape incident at XYZ?! I'm so not going there again!"

"I heard in China, they inject chemicals in fruits to make them sweeter. I'm not buying fruits from that country ever."

"Don't eat pork, later swine flu lahhh!"

And the list goes on.

Scare tactics like hers send an indelible message: fear the world. While no one denies that living in the modern world carries risks, people are unable to live happy lives if they are fearful of every possible negative event. This is why hypochrondriacs (people who constantly believe they are deathly ill) are usually in fine physical condition, yet are miserable almost all of the time, because there's that chance, that ever so slight chance, that they have a life-ending ailment.

"All of us have a relatively short time on this earth. It could be 100 years or just a few days. So we have to make the most of it. This doesn't mean taking unnecessary risks or treating yourself like you're invincible. It means enjoying your life while recognizing the potential dangers of it. If you can do that you'll more often than not be happy. Don't live with a fear of the world, just a respect for it."

Instead, the generation nowadays are being taught that there's a predator every fifty yards who'll chop off his hands and feet if he moves away from his mother. And you think why they're so many dark and depressed homosapiens on earth ei? =,= Moreover, these are the children who turn into anxious paranoid adults. They don't ever hear the proper message so they grow up with a twisted one. These people unfortunately end up playing the game of life not to win, but rather simply not to lose.

Quote: Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live.

Saturday, June 20, 2009


the effect by which one accidentally discovers a series of fortunate events,while looking for something else entirely. ;)

It was over way long ago, so please let me be already.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Candle in The Wind.

My scholarship approved! ;D
*jumps with joy*

Everything seems falling into place.
Let's hope I don't jynx it aite. >,<

Here's to a new beginning, new opportunities. 
Get out there and whip some asses y'all.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sometimes you pick your friends, sometimes they pick you.

Once upon a time ago at my crib, our attempt to whip up a batch of cookies.

Look how far we come, baby.

All grown up. *sniffles*

"Too late we learn, a man must hold his friend
Unjudged, accepted, trusted to the end." 
- John Boyle O'Reilly

From skipping classes, cheerleading, boy problems, sleepovers, tv marathons, feuds, etc. ,
it wouldn't be the same without you guys.