Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Occasional Forevers.

Stolen this impeccably written passage from 52hearts...

' Sometimes I think I must have been crazy to think you would have stayed with me just because you said you would, but I’ve come to realize that when there isn’t always enough fuel to keep a fire going, when there isn’t a reason to keep your word. But it isn’t completely your fault — it never really was, because it was one of those it-takes-two-to-tango kind of things, and I guess at some point, it was bound to happen. But even when you see the sting coming, you never really see it until it’s a millimeter away from your heart.

But this reminds me of someone once told me that men usually only kept their words at the moment, based on that fire that lead them there, based on the soft flame you ignited in their heart, and that they never think that much of the future.. but a part of me thinks that maybe these are all human beings, men and women, regardless of who the more emotional creature is — you could always feel, or even think and tell someone you’ll want to be with them forever, but that isn’t always the case, but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t the truth at some point, that you didn’t feel it in your heart, body and mind. You did. But it didn’t last — and a lot of feelings usually don’t — just like this feeling I had a year ago of me wanting those memories of you to just fade away. I eventually changed my mind into keeping at least the good ones, if only to remember you did make me happy, once upon a short time ago. '

For everyone who has ever had a fallout. Mucho love. x

Sunday, December 19, 2010

March Of The Underdogs.

' You have to get hurt. That’s how you learn. The strongest people out there, the ones who laugh the hardest with a genuine smile, those are the people who have fought the toughest battles. Because they’ve decided that they’re not going to let anything hold them down, they’re showing the world whose boss.'

Lovin' the girl power feel to ze quote.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


...and sometimes it's one of those hardest decision to make.

p.s. loving this for being both my favourite male and female characters on Gossip Girl!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Home That Holds My Heart.

They say home is not a place, it's a person. But what they fail to realize that home isn't human, nor is it tangible. Rather, it's a part of us. It's evry place and evry person and evrything that we've touched and that has touched us. Buildings crumble and people leave but we can always return to our memories. 

Home's among the company of friends for keepers. The songs of I listen to over and over again to feed my lyrical soul. It's the sound of trigger happy cameras. The feeling of contentment when genuine smiles are planted on people I love. The warm embrace of my favorite boy. The scent of fresh skin out of shower. The smell of greens after a drizzle or storm. The pour-yr-heart-out banters over beer or coffee. The nostalgia you get upon a flashback of a certain memory. 

You know how evryone says that home's where the heart is? 
Well, they've got it backwards. My heart is where my home is.

So where's your home?