Tuesday, December 18, 2007


was a success!
*jumps for joy*

Me & Rach.

My pals - YJ and Ky, Rach, Inez

Oh-so-hot Chairwoman & Emcee

Presenting 007, Adam Malik.
I don't know you. XP (Inside joke)

I don't know them
but don't they look adorable together? ;D

Food a la buffet style.

Maleni & Alex.
2 people whom I trust. X)

Me grooving. ;D
(Stop staring at my boobs yo. XP)

Rach & Leo.
Leo, if you're reading this,
you have lotsa people asking bout ya man.
*wink wink*

Chilling at the top.
Nice atmosphere up there man.
Saw lotsa free show. Lol.

Love was in the air. *smooches*

YJ and I.
Banyak orang puji your awesome outfit that day whey.
kembang ^_^

Prom King & Queen!
Ky and Aril? (do tell if i spelt your name wrongly)

Hawt staff - comittee tags

The people who made it all happened. ;D

From front left - right:
Amirul, Ken, Adam

Middle left - right:
Lily, Jess, Christine, Poh Yee, ME!, Sarah

Back left - right:
Cassie, Satya, Maleni, Eeleng

It was more of a party then prom though.
Quote :'Clubbing without alcohol.' Lol.
But in the end, everyone (most of us anyway) had a blast!

And to those people who didnt come,

P.S. people who wants more pictures do tell. I don't bite. X)

P.S.S. To the guy with the gold tie and dark blue collar tee who danced with me,
you were awesome!! Hehe. ^_^
Too bad after that you left without i getting to know you. =/

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