Sometimes, a series of unfortunate events occurs and perplexities happens. Love fails to meet expectations. Broken promises and broken hearts. The frail ones give up on the battle for love, thinking that all hope is lost. They go on with their lifes loathing themselves, thinking they do not deserve to happy, whatever personal reason it may be. Sure, they're still alive and breathing on the outside, but dead on the inside.
The strong ones though, fight. As impossible it may seem during that moment of love lost, they prevail and pick themselves again in order to find love somewhere else. Life's too short to be living in regret and remorse. No point crying over split milk. While no one can go back and start a new beginning, what you can do however is start with today and hopefully make a better ending. The key to change is to let go of fear and be the change you wish to see.
As cliched as it may sound, live life to its fullest.
As much we like to think we can live without love, we can't. Because look around you and really it's everywhere. A bond between friendships, a lover's embrace, a mother's sacrifice, a selfless act. People do the most illogical impossible things for their loved ones. Love brings happiness. It makes everything seem more worthwhile. It creates the drive and the passion to be the better human being we all are deep down. It makes us strive to be the best that we can be. That being said, get to know what's in your own heart first before deciding to share it with someone else.
Everything has beauty in it,
just not everyone sees it.
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