"During the summer of 2007, I had the opportunity to backpack around Europe for 2 weeks. I talked about it often before I left. My girlfriend however, although great in many respects, was not the world's greatest listener. I left on Friday June 1st. despite even calling her to say goodbye the night before, she never realized I left. When I arrived home 2 weeks later, I had several emails from her, waiting in my inbox....
Friday, June 1st 11:31am
Subject; Maddy Babe!
*smooch* Hey doll, me and the girls are gonna hit up the maddy tonight. I'll call you in a bit, you and the boys should come out too.
love, Em
Friday June 1st 4:40pm
Subject: Come out come out, hehe
Hey hun, me again. Tried calling your cell a few times today but it kept going right to voicemail. You're not screening me are you? ;)
(Note: my cell phone was off for the entire trip so that I wouldn't get insane roaming charges in europe.)
Saturday June 2nd
Subject: Missed you! (frowny face)
Jdddddd... I missed you last night! There were these two super creepy guys who kept trying to talk to us all night. I let the one guy buy me a drink and as soon as he handed it to me I told him he reminds me of my boyfriend, ha ha ha. I tried your cell again but again no answer, having cell problems dear? Anyway, Marla and me are going out for brunch to try and get over our hangovers... tonight, you and me, dinner at your place. Call me today.
Sunday June 3rd
Subject: Uh...hello...?
JD, wtf. Why are you not responding to my ecalls and emails? Where are you?! I waited all night for you to get in touch with me. I'm not happy here babe... call me ASAP!!!
Sunday June 3rd
no subject. (Email was empty)
Tuesday June 5th
Subject: WTF
What the fuck is going on?! Why are you avoiding me? You're not answering your cell, you won't return my texts.... JD wtf?! I know you're around! Your friend jeremy is such a bullshitter. When he said he hadn't seen you all weekend I could hear you talking in the background! I thought you were different fuck nut! Last chance... call me tonight with the best excuse of your life or I walk asshole.
(Note: Apparently she called one of my friends to find out where I was on the weekend. I have no idea what she's talking about here though.)
Tuesday June 5th
Subject: Read this asshole!
I've tried call you, I've tried calling your friends, your mom. What the fuck did I do? Ws it just time? Time to dump me? You could at least tell it to my face asshole. We're through... don't call me, don't text me, don't bother now. You'll never know what you lost, I was the one, and now I feel sorry for you because you'll never have that again. I feel so sorry for you, ha ha ha.
(Note: she left messages at my mom's demanding I call her back. My mom would've called her to tell her I was in Europe except she didn't leave her number and my mom doesn't have it.)
Friday June 8th
Subject: No subject.
I hate you.
Sunday June 10th
subject: fuuuuuuck U
hey fuck face, remmembe r that friend of mine that I was you were jealous of who I said that nuffin ever will happen with well I was crying with him about you and he told me how amazing I was, how he always though so and so I fucked him to show you I'm right! Now who's the stuipd one? I can't get any guy I want and whatr are you doing just sitting at home crying over how you lost me? Well don't cry for me because you've already lost me asswhole! Ha ha ha ha ha
(Note: I would say I've been cheated on... but technically I'm single at this point.)
Tuesday June 12th
Subject: Read ASAP
JD, Call me, we need to talk
Tuesday June 12
Subject: Just listen....
ok fine, you don't want to call me then just listen. I'm mad and hurt right now. I really felt something between us and now you've gone and thrown it all away and I have no idea why. JD, we were amazing together weren't we? We always had fun, and I tried to be so easy going and happy with you. We were the couple that could spend an evening out with our friends or laze about on the couch and either way end it all in fantastic sex and confessions of love. I know that something has happened to change all that, but you have to admit that you still feel something for me. To deny that is to deny your very soul. I know you'll call me tonight. We have a lot to discuss. A lot of bad nd good. It may not change things and we may still be broken up, but you at least owe me a conversation. A chance. Em
(Note: I've been in Europe for 12 days. I am coming home on Saturday. On this day I go shopping in Rome and get a necklace for Em and write a postcard to my grandparents.)
Thursday June 14th
Subject: I tried...
I tried to reach out to you JD, I really did. But I take back all those nice things I said. I'm glad we're broken up. You're boring as shit to be with. I pretended so many times to like the stupid shows you like, to watch the stupid movies you like, to enjoy spending time with your asinine friends. I've moved on. I realize that you are not the right person for me in any way whatsoever. You bring out the worst traits in me and I'm a million times better without you. I'm bringing by a bunch of your stuff to you mom's house. So long JD, I'd like to say it was fun but it really wasn't. Believe me when I say that I never want to hear from you again. Em
Thursday June 14th
If you love me, you will delete every email I've sent you over the past week without reading it. JD please I am begging you that when you get back you do not read any email but this one. We've all made mistakes while you've been away. I can explain it all to you, call me ASAP. I love you with all my heart and soul! Em
(Note: When she went by my mom's house to drop off my stuff, she bumped into my mom... my mom told her I was in Europe until Saturday...)
(Note: I read the emails... Em and I are no longer together. I learned two very important lessons from this whole ordeal. 1. Careful when you date passionate people, because passion swings both ways. Sometimes they'll love you, but other times they'll hate you. And when they hate you...boy do they hate you. 2. When you go to Europe for 2 weeks, leave your fucking phone on.)"
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