Monday, December 7, 2009


It as if I heard myself for the very first time, the sounds I always somehow knew I had it in me tucked away somewhere yet never could pinpoint meticulously enough to comprehend. The echoes of unadulterated pain. Usually I'd be too consumed in bearing the mask of social repertoire to acknowledge my underlying emotions. So when you're pushed to a confined space and you can't possibly run from the situation no more, you'd counterattack. And it's when you finally let those words pelt down, flow out from that locked up metal box of that we once called heart, you ultimately let out what you thoroughly feel in a blunt i-don't-give-no-two-fucks-no-more temperament.

There's oddly another silence that occurs after. As if all those once bottled up and concealed emotions now are surfaced and bare, you finally struck by a sudden rude awakening of reality.

Also, a rapid comprehension that I'd be fighting this battle alone.

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